Fleet 1 Investment In 2 Spinnaker Poles

At the 2022 Fleet 1 AGM, following a unanimous recommendation from the Fleet 1 Executive Committee, the attendees voted to invest in two spinnaker poles for loan & sale.
- One pole is brand new and has been ordered from ProTech in North Vancouver and will be for sale for CDN$900 (photos to follow post-construction)
- The second (black) pole is in very good used condition and has been purchased from Allan Strain (see attached photos) and is available for loan
The concept is that if someone in Fleet 1 or at a North Americans/Canadians/BC Champs/Cow Bay needs to borrow a pole for a short time while theirs is being repaired, Fleet 1 will lend them the black used pole. But if they damage or break it they would be responsible for repairs or buying it outright.
On the other hand, if someone breaks a pole and/or end fitting and does not want to repair it, or just wants a new pole to replace an old one, Fleet 1 will sell them the new pole for CDN$900, and will immediately order a new pole from ProTech. In this manner the multi-month lead times are cut dramatically.
The two poles will be stored in Michael Clements' garage and either he or one of the Fleet 1 members will transport them to major regattas.
Note that Orcas Island has one or two spinnaker poles which could be loaned out in Washington State - contact Ken Machtley or Chris White.