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Congratulations to Stephanie Campbell from Anacortes, a top Washington State PHRF racer who owns Wild Rumpus, a Santa Cruz 27, who purchased Area 51 (#51) on the Labor Day Weekend, which makes it the 9th transaction of the year, equalling 2018's total! The boat was sold to her by Ken Machtley and Chris White, who donated the proceeds to Sail Orcas (youth sailing). Enjoy your first 242, Steph!
 AREA 51

There are still only 5 boats left for sale in the entire Region (Oregon, Washington, BC, Alberta), and we may yet hit 10 or 11 boat sales for 2019 as there are several buyers looking at boats.

In other news, we're not sure if Ms Campbell was part of the Area 51 raid, but people did gather near a US military base in Nevada on Friday, Sept 20 to 'see them aliens'.  Not too many aliens were found but apparently a party was had.